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Steve Holy Gets Held at Gunpoint

Steve Holy‘s new album “Men buy the drinks” may not be the best advice after all. According to CMT , Steve was out having drinks, took the party home, then found himself held at gunpoint:

“Two Dallas police officers are on administrative leave after allegedly holding Steve Holy and a friend at gunpoint at the singer’s home in Dallas during the early hours of Dec. 27. The Dallas County district attorney’s office is investigating to determine whether aggravated assault charges should be filed against officers Randy Anderson, 25, and Paul Loughridge, 48. Holy said he and a friend were at a bar on Greenville Avenue when he began talking to an off-duty police officer he was acquainted with who introduced him to Anderson and Loughridge, who were also off duty at the time. After the bars closed, the five returned to Holy’s house to play foosball. When the officer Holy knew left the house, Anderson and Loughridge began questioning whether he was a country singer and became belligerent even after he showed them a CD cover. At one point, the two men allegedly held a gun to the back of Holy’s head while he was face down on the kitchen floor. They eventually allowed Holy to go upstairs to get his identification, and he told his wife to call 911.”

I can hear the radio parody now… “I got a brand new guardsman… I had him trained just to defend… ”

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