Carrie Underwood Visits Africa for Malaria Relief Efforts

Carrie Underwood has just returned from a 2nd trip to Africa as part of “Idol Gives Back” humanitarian efforts.

Carrie Underwood NewsCarrie Underwood made her second trip to the Luanda, Angola area of Africa to visit health centers and orphanages dropping off mosquito netting school supplies for children in need. Special footage of this visit will be shown on tonight’s episode of American Idol.

From the Press Release:

While in Angola, Underwood visited an all-girl orphanage in Luanda where the girls performed songs and poetry for her after she delivered bed nets and backpacks with school supplies to the orphanage. Underwood also participated in a community bed net giveaway in Ngangula, and wrapped up her 3-day trip by visiting a health center in Luanda where pregnant women received malaria counseling and treatment.

American Idol and the Charity Projects Entertainment Fund (CPEF) partnered last year to raise awareness and funds for organizations that provide relief programs to help children and young people in extreme poverty in America and Africa. ExxonMobil sponsored Underwood’s most recent trip to Africa.

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About Shauna "WhiskeyChick" Castorena

Shauna "WhiskeyChick" Castorena is a freelance writer for both Country Music News and Country Music On Tour. Want to collab on some content? Email me. Want my rates for commercial promo work? Get them right here.

One Reply to “Carrie Underwood Visits Africa for Malaria Relief Efforts”

  1. Lived in Luanda, Angola for 6 1/2 years and was in on the ground floor of the netting for the orphanages. Moved there from Oklahoma in 2001 and the war was still on. Still have friends there. Thank you Carrie for caring!