Kenny Chesney Breaks Pink Floyd’s Record

kennypinkfloyd57,368 Fans at Arrowhead Stadium Topples Two Decade Old Number

Kansas City, Mo. (August 2, 2015) — The traffic on I-70 was backed up for well over an hour going both directions. The parking lots were flooded as soon as they opened the gates. It should’ve been obvious before the tickets were tallied something special was going on; but for fans coming to Arrowhead Stadium for Kenny Chesney’s Big Revival, it seemed like it was the annual rite of summer for the No Shoes Nation.

But when the tickets were counted, Chesney had shattered Pink Floyd’s 1994 record of 56,134 with 57,368 in attendance. This year’s show marked Chesney fourth headlining stand at Arrowhead Stadium.

“I had no idea about the number when we took the stage,” Chesney marveled when he was told. “Pink Floyd are rock icons. Every kid’s high school experience… I never ever would’ve thought something like that could happen. We’ve been coming to Kansas City for years, and they’ve always been really loud audiences. But when we hit the stage, it felt like all those years, all those shows were added up into one – and that was what we were being hit with.”

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