Despite foot injury, the show will go on for Kenny Chesney!
The Kenny Chesney 2008 tour pushes forward as Kenny announces that he will not be altering his Poets and Pirates 2008 tour schedule after visiting with doctors to look over his injured foot and ankle. Saturday night Chesney’s boot became lodged between a hydraulic lift and the stage for nearly 40 seconds as the lift motor kept trying to push the platform up during the opening of his concert in Columbia, S.C. Chesney somehow completed the near 2-hour concert that night, but in visibly severe pain considerable pain and received two shots of morphine after leaving the stage. Initial reports indicated he crushed bones in his foot, however Chesney later consulted with the Tennessee Titans’ sports medicine and orthopedic specialist after returning to Nashville on his tour bus early Sunday morning. The diagnosis is that Chesney sustained a hematoma from the ankle down — with most of the damage in his toes.
Chesney emphasized to his doctor that he wanted to avoid canceling any concerts. His doctor provided clearance for Kenny Chesney to pick up his tour at the next show date this Thursday in Austin, Texas. “He told me it’s going to hurt — though nothing could hurt worse than Saturday, I don’t think — and they can give me something to deaden the pain when I get out there,” Chesney said. “I also have to have a doctor standing by should something give, but I’m going to tape it up, and I’m going to get out there.”
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