Kris Kristofferson Honored

>Kris Kristofferson To Be Honored with Achievement Award

The multi-talented artist, actor and songwriter, Kris Kristofferson will be presented with the 2011 Career Achievement Award at the Nashville Film Festival this month. The festival runs from April 14th to April 21st at the Regal Green Hills Cinema and Kris will be presented with the award Friday, April 15th at 8pm. Kris will be receiving the award before the spotlight screening of Bloodworth in which he portrays a musician who is estranged from his family and returns to them after a forty year separation.

For more info on the upcoming film festival click here.

About MissMolly

Miss Molly comes to us by way of Memphis, TN, but was born deep in the heart of Texas. Always the organized and efficient one, she's a taskmaster and film extraordinaire who still finds time to write on the side.