Sunny Sweeney Releases First Full Album: Concrete.
East Texas nativeSunny Sweeney released her first full album, Concrete, Tuesday, August 23rd! Honestly, I find it very hard to tell my opinions about this album without being redundant. All that comes to mind is honesty and raw emotion. I saw where someone said if you are going through a divorce don’t spend the money on a therapist, just buy the Sunny Sweeney album…I’d have to say I agree!
The first time I heard Sunny Sweeney on the radio was about a year ago. Her first single, “From A Table Away“, was very honest and spoke of a girl caught up in a liars game. It took quite a bit of time for her album, Concrete, to come out. To me that just says she was determined to make sure what she put out for the world to hear was something she firmly stands behind. She co-wrote 7 of the 10 tracks on this album, possibly showing us a little of the road she has traveled in her days.
I’d say all but one song on this album are about a broken heart. “The Old Me” is about a bad girl gone good…for now. This track is the one that isn’t about a bad relationship (but I’m sure somewhere in there was cheating or mistreating).
“Helluva Heart” is one of those songs you want to listen to with a few friends and belt! “Your talk is cheap in this town”. I LOVE IT!
“Amy“, well I don’t want to ruin that surprise for anyone. But trust me, you have to hear it!
Like I said before, each song has this honesty that we don’t see much of these days (it’s out there, just not in abundance). If I had one complaint to share, it would be to add a few happy songs. I love this album, but I think if I listened to it a few more times in a row I’d be sitting in my kitchen with more than a few empties and a pan of nothing in front of me. The pan of nothing would have previously been full of macaroni and cheese…
But seriously, Sunny Sweeney has solidified herself as singer and songwriter in my book! I encourage you to check out this album!
Concrete Track Listing
1. Drink Myself Single – Monty Holmes, Sunny Sweeney
2. From A Table Away – Bob DiPiero, Karyn Rochelle, Sunny Sweeney
3. Staying’s Worse Than Leaving – Jay Clementi, Rodney Foster, Sunny Sweeney
4. The Old Me – Lori McKenna, Mark D. Sanders
5. Amy – Brennen Leigh, Sunny Sweeney
6. Worn Out Heart – Brett Beavers, Sunny Sweeney
7. Mean As You – Brett James, Kelly Lovelace, Tim Nichols
8. It Wrecks Me – Jay Clementi, Sunny Sweeney
9. Helluva Heart – Deanna Bryant, Heather Little, Sunny Sweeney
10. Fall For Me – Lisa Carver, Jaida Dreyer, Carolyn Dawn Johnson