Elvis, Garth Brooks, and Willie Nelson are all mentioned as House Representative Cliff Stearns introduces a resolution bill that honors country music.
Check out this video as Country Music gets honored by the US House of Representatives for its contribution to American history and culture. House representative Cliff Stearns introduces the resolution, citing legendary country music stars such as Garth Brooks, Willie Neslon, and even Elvis Presley. The international reach of country music and its influence is celebrated in the halls of our US government!Country Music Photo Gallery
Country music totally deserves to be honored. Just like the video said it’s a part of our American culture and history. Just like Rap, blues and jazz. Where would we be without people like Elvis and Garth Brooks to shape our country music history? Those people helped define what country music is and will always be. Song about life, love, the good and the bad times. It’s not just about your dog dying and your wife leaving you it’s about being with friends around a bon fire and singing at the top of your lungs with the windows down. Country music will always be here and be a part of what it means to be an American.