365 Days of Sexy Keith Urban

Keith Urban just released his 2011 calendar to benefit the children of St. Jude’s and it is 365 days of hotness!

Keith Urban fans keep taking those pictures, because you never know if it might help change the world! The 2011 Keith Urban Calendar features photos of the guitar caressing crooner, taken by members of his fan club. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this calendar are donated to the St Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Each calendar is only $15 and would make a great Christmas gift for both a country music fan and a child at St Jude’s!

The calendar is part of Country Fans Care for St. Jude Kids, a fundraising program that seeks to unite the fans of country music’s new and established stars. Since 2002, Keith Urban’s fan club has helped raise funds for St. Jude. To date, the calendar has raised over $500,000 for the kids of St. Jude. The 2011 calendar marks the ninth edition of the calendar.

To purchase your Keith Urban Calendar, visit KeithUrbanStore.com or KeithUrbanFans.comCountry Music Photo Gallery

About Shauna "WhiskeyChick" Castorena

Shauna "WhiskeyChick" Castorena is a freelance writer for both Country Music News and Country Music On Tour. Want to collab on some content? Email me. Want my rates for commercial promo work? Get them right here.

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