Be Smart While Braving The Summer Sun!
As we all know, it has been a pretty toasty summer with temperatures reaching three digits on more than several occasions. Although many of us have the gift of complaining down pat, everyone should understand that high temperatures can be very dangerous as well as uncomfortable. I want to strongly suggest that everyone takes all the necessary precautions to stay safe!
The best way to do this is to stay inside! Keep your fans or AC at a reasonable notch and drink plenty of water. I understand this can be impossible for some because of work. I have family and friends who work in this heat everyday and it scares me! I can’t tell you enough how important it is to stay hydrated!
We also want to encourage you while attending music festivals to never skip a meal, cut back a bit on your alcoholic beverages and again DRINK WATER! Wear clothes that are sensible, don’t forget to apply sunscreen and enjoy the show!