Jason Aldean Makes A Big Announcement

>Jason Aldean Is Going to Make a Big Announcement via Livestream.

Between George Strait and Taylor Swift making their big announcements already this Fall, I don’t know if I can take anymore HUGE Country Music news. But, it looks like ready or not, we’re gonna get it from Jason Aldean‘s team. Via his social media today, the recently in hot water artist, let fans know that he is going to make a big announcement tomorrow (Thursday, October 17th). They’ve been alluding to the announcement for days, but today, they let it be known, straight up!

Straight from the Source: Jason Aldean Tweets!

Aldean’s brand new album, Night Train, just dropped on Tuesday. So, its a little hard to speculate what the big news might be. My bet? Either they are unleashing a special contest OR the news will be tour related. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see though, won’t we?

The Livestream airs tomorrow at 10am EST and you can catch it via his official site.

About MissMolly

Miss Molly comes to us by way of Memphis, TN, but was born deep in the heart of Texas. Always the organized and efficient one, she's a taskmaster and film extraordinaire who still finds time to write on the side.