LeAnn Rimes – Crazy Women – New Single!

Through the fuss and muss of tabloids and trash journalism, LeAnn Rimes comes out on top with “Crazy Women”.

It’s been a heck of a year for LeAnn Rimes, but there’s one thing about her that can not be denied! Girl’s got talent! Take a listen to her new single “Crazy Women” and try telling me otherwise. From preteen to post-divorce, each life challenge only seems to add to the character and depth of her voice. Sure, this is a more light-hearted song, but underneath it all, is an amazing vocalist who’s gotten just about enough flack from the media and should be recognized for the gift she shares with her fans.

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About Shauna "WhiskeyChick" Castorena

Shauna "WhiskeyChick" Castorena is a freelance writer for both Country Music News and Country Music On Tour. Want to collab on some content? Email me. Want my rates for commercial promo work? Get them right here.

One Reply to “LeAnn Rimes – Crazy Women – New Single!”

  1. “A heck of a year”? I suppose cheating on your spouse, having an affair with a married man, tormenting his wife, turning the world of two innocent children upside down, lying about it, then going public, proudly displaying the 85k engagement ring he bought for you while he cruises in his new Porsche as his now ex-wife struggles to pay rent all adds up to “a heck of a year”. And she still made time to smile shamelessly for every paparazzi photo and get breast implants! Leann Rimes biggest “life challenge” is staying alive in spite of the fact that she does not have a heart or a soul.