Introducing an Editorial Series on the Many Reasons Miss Molly Loves Country Music!
I first came to this little ol’ country news blog back in January of this year. I spent most of my time growing up in either Texas or Tennessee, and you could say that in a way, country music has always been a part of the background noise in my life. I will admit though that when I stumbled into the writing position here at the CMNB newsroom, country music was no longer in the forefront of my music playlist. I would listen to the local country music stations while driving in the car, and I knew essentially who was popular at the moment and what the latest singles were on the radio. Yet, my appreciation for the country music genre had, in a lot of ways fallen by the wayside.
As you can imagine, this created a bit of a learning curve for me as I went through training, and reintroduced myself to the very unique world of country music. I have found over the past few months, as I talked to people here and there, and as I have grown to focus more and more of my attention onto the country music scene, that there really is no middle ground when it comes to country music. It seems you either love it or you hate it. You either really get the music or you have no idea what is going on. I am happy to say that I am finding myself more and more at home in the “loving” and “getting it” categories as I get more involved.
With this in mind I would like to share with you in the next few weeks an editorial series I am titling “Why I Love Country Music”, detailing the reasons why I think country music is unique and should be appreciated. I want to take a closer look at what it is about country music that bring so many people (myself included) happiness and a sense of belonging. I’m sure that I will make points some agree with and others that some will not, but either way, hopefully we can agree that this whole country music thing is a lot more than just music.