Shania Twain and CBS Contest

>Shania Twain and CBS Give You The Chance to Renew Your Vows!

Shania Twain is apparently very interested in the health of your marriage and would like the opportunity to reward you for sticking with your mate (well, if you have…). Basically, Twain and CBS have partnered up with morning show “The Talk” to offer up the chance for a lucky couple to renew their vows and enjoy an all expense paid trip to Las Vegas! The winners would also receive tickets to Shania Twain’s concert at Ceasar’s palace on December 12th.

So…here’s how this works:

  • Couples must be 21 and over.
  • Include a video explaining why your partner is “still the one”.
  • Entries must be submitted by noon September 24th.
  • Winner will be announced October 8th.

So, has your marriage weathered the tests of time? Then have it and get entered!

About MissMolly

Miss Molly comes to us by way of Memphis, TN, but was born deep in the heart of Texas. Always the organized and efficient one, she's a taskmaster and film extraordinaire who still finds time to write on the side.