10 Random Questions with Country Up and Comer Chris Janson!
Missouri native Chris Janson has really made a name for himself in the country music world. He takes songwriting very seriously, and it’s something he is extremely good at. Performing since age eleven, he knew exactly what he wanted to do at a young age. Not only did he write Tim McGraw’s recent hit “Truck Yeah“, he’s also the spokesperson for Scentblocker and Mossy Oak. His new song titled “Better I Don’t” explains his personality perfectly, crazy, funny, and down to earth! He is also brave enough to answer my 10 random questions.
At what age did you know that you wanted to pursue music?
At 18 I headed to Nashville, started at Tootsie ‘s.
Who were your influences growing up?
Merle Haggard , Hank Jr , Guns n Roses.
What artists do you currently listen to?
Justin Moore and Tim Mcgraw
If you could duet with any female artist who would it be?
If you were a drink, what drink would you be?
Moonshine – cause I ‘m authentic and come from the woods
What is your favorite song that you have written?
“Holdin Her” – cause it’s about my wife , my proposal and my baby girl Georgia . I wrote it with my best friend James Otto.
Do you have any nicknames?
Rocking Randel and Kelly calls me picky pants cause on the road I only like Mountain Dew , Bo Jangles and Crawfish.
Do you have any bad habits?
Mountain Dew
Where do you like to shop? Do you have a favorite store?
Adel Outfitters
Is there anything you would like the fans to know?
Yes. I’m a Christian.
To keep up with Chris, find him on Twitter: @janson_chris!