Bob Woods gives Impromptu Impresario Performance at 80

Sometimes we have to step out of the mainstream and just enjoy music for the sake of music. That’s definitely the case with this fantastic and fun video featuring 80-year old guitar picker Bob Woods, who wowed music shop customers and staff in the British Audio Service shop in Nashville, TN with his sweet sweet licks.

[bctt tweet=”See the 80 year old that blows @British_Audio customers away on guitar! #Epiphone #Shredder #CountryMusic”]

The video may be a year old by now, but still deserves a lot more recognition than it’s gotten so far!
Cheers to you Bob!

About Shauna "WhiskeyChick" Castorena

Shauna "WhiskeyChick" Castorena is a freelance writer for both Country Music News and Country Music On Tour. Want to collab on some content? Email me. Want my rates for commercial promo work? Get them right here.