Brad Paisley To Announce New Album Title On Jimmy Kimmel

Brady Paisley Announces Album Title Tonight on Jimmy Kimmel!

Since his release of new single “Southern Comfort Zone“, we’ve all been waiting with baited breath to hear details about Brad Paisley‘s upcoming album! We know that it’s due out on April 9th, but not much else. Well, Paisley just tweeted to let us all know he’ll be announcing the album title when he guests on Jimmy Kimmel Live! So, be sure to tune in to ABC at 11:35pm, and if you can’t just check in with us for all the latest! Also, bonus, Brad will be performing “Southern Comfort Zone“!

Brad Paisley Tweets His Announcement!

About MissMolly

Miss Molly comes to us by way of Memphis, TN, but was born deep in the heart of Texas. Always the organized and efficient one, she's a taskmaster and film extraordinaire who still finds time to write on the side.