ENCINO, CA-based PITMAN CASTING is seeking contestants for a new CBS series, “SUPERFAN,” specifically “die-hard fans” of music artists including SHANIA TWAIN, KELSEA BALLERINI, LITTLE BIG TOWN and PITBULL. In each episode of the fan competition series, a famous music artist or band “will compete alongside a group of their biggest fans in a series of fun games to see who is the true #1 fan. That fan will win an ultimate fan prize package,” according to PR materials for the show. Additional participating artists will be announced soon.
A casting flyer for the BALLERINI episode reads, “CBS is conducting a nationwide search across the U.S. for die-hard fans of KELSEA BALLERINI. Want a chance to spend a day with KELSEA while competing against other fans for a chance to win an ultimate fan prize package? Apply now at kelseacasting.com or superfancasting.com.”
The link to apply for the TWAIN episode is ShaniaFanCasting.com, LITTLE BIG TOWN is LBTCasting.com and PITBULL is PitbullCasting.com.