Tim James Writes Heartfelt “We Care” In Tribute To Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Tim James is a songwriter who has written tunes for many, including Toby Keith and Lee Brice, but his latest song hits a place of heartache. James wrote “We Care” as a tribute to all those affected by the horrible tragedy that took place in Newtown, CT last week.
“This particular song just kind of fell through me. I just picked up the guitar and started strumming and I felt like God’s words just spoke to me; the words just came out. I played it for my wife and she cried.” – Tim James, in an interview with Right This Minute.
Beautiful song!! Great job Tim James. . .
Awesome song and very heart felt 🙂
Hi Tim,
I really love your song; "We Care"; it touches the hearts of all of us trying to understand and heal from the Sandy Hook School tradgedy.
My name is Kevin Nevel; I'm a songwriter in Afghanistan with the U.S. Army.
I went to bed last night thinking about the Sandy Hook school tragedy; I woke up.
with tears in my eyes and wrote this song; "Be Brave" dedicated to our Hero.
Ms.Victoria Soto & all the other brave hero's, kids, families and.
school faculty; to all of those innocent lives that were lost!
We all need to pause in our busy lives, tell our children, our family.
and friends that we love them and be grateful for our loved ones.
knowing the we all have a short life to live here on earth and we.
need to be loving and thankful for each day as a gift.
that God has given us.
The "Be Brave" song MP3; honoring our "Brave Hero"; Victoria can be downloded.
for free at: ReverbNationwww.reverbnation.com/httpcdbabycomcdkevinnevel.
Be Brave
© BMI 2012 Kevin Nevel.
We’ll never forget what happened.
On that terrible cold December day.
When our brave teacher Ms. Soto,
Gave her life saving us from tragedy.
Be brave for me now children Ms. Soto said,
Don’t cry no matter what don’t make a sound,
Hide in the closet I’ll protect you don’t be afraid.
No one is going to hurt you while I’m around Be brave….
We heard sounds of gun shots down the hall.
And then we all heard the gunman come in,
Asking Ms. Soto where are all the children?
Ms. Soto said all the children are in the gym.
Be brave for me now children Ms. Soto said,
Don’t cry no matter what don’t make a sound,
Hide in the closet I’ll protect you don’t be afraid.
No one is going to hurt you while I’m around Be brave….
Before he left he took Ms. Soto’s life away,
As she stood bravely protecting us from him.
Now Ms. Soto’s enfolded in the angel’s wings.
Looking down on us with love from Heaven.
Tag Chorus:
There were so many brave Hero’s at our,
School watching over us that tragic day.
And they all taught us how to be brave,
Even if you’re afraid remember to be brave.
Like our brave Hero Ms.Soto who showed us how to always be brave be brave be brave….
"Writing heartfelt songs for the world to hear from high in the snow capped Afghan mountains; deep in the "War Zone".
<3 So beautiful <3.
Rest in peace, sweet angels.