If you spend enough time on the internet you find yourself going down certain rabbit holes that open your mind to talent you otherwise would have never known existed. This is exactly what happened when one day I went searching for who wrote the intro music for Phillip DeFranco’s youtube channel and discovered “Hot Dad” (Erik Helwig) . As it turns out, Erik’s written the theme songs for a lot of my favorite YouTubers, but there’s a secret he’s been keeping to himself until now…
Hot Dad is a HUGE Shania Twain fan! In fact, he’s such a big fan that he assembled the best comments from OTHER fans on Shania Twain’s facebook fan page and somehow managed to turn them into a song that is now stuck in my head. Take a break from your Monday Blues and join the rest of us as we tap our toes to the Shania Twain tribute song you didn’t know you needed!
If you enjoy this often satirical and always fun sense of humor, or just want to support a man who can make a catchy song about nearly any topic, I highly recommend you check out Hot Dad’s youtube channel and consider supporting him on Patreon!