The Band Perry Get A Little Rock and Roll with Video for Done from New Album Pioneer.
With their debut, self-titled album, The Band Perry leaned a little folk, and they seemed to be continuing that trend with their most recent single “Better Dig Two.” Before now, I would have said TBP was much more pop country than anything else, but this new single, “Done” from sophmore album Pioneer (releasing Tuesday, April 2nd) is whole other animal indeed. This new track is much more rock and roll oriented than any of their previous work, and it really, really suits them.
The new video which premiered only moments ago features the trio in black leather ensembles, giving absolutely everything they’ve got. All three of the siblings, but Kimberly especially, are maturing and growing before our eyes with each new taste of music we get from them. Check out the new song below, and be sure to give the whole album a look as well.
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