The Band Perry Toured Areas of their Devastated by Recent Storms.
The Band Perry, also known as Kimberly, Neil and Reid Perry, visited their hometown of Greenville, TN in the wake of the recent storms. They joined both the Greene County Chapter of the Red Cross and the Greene County Disaster Relief/Donation Center to assist in relief efforts as well as express gratitude for the first responders and community volunteers for their round-the-clock efforts.
“Nothing is more important to us than family, community and service to others. We have been anxious to visit our neighbors and help as much as we can. We hope that we helped to raise awareness of the needs in the area and we’re very happy that we could publicly thank and acknowledge the tireless efforts of all the local disaster relief workers.”
The Greene County Red Cross has undertaken a non-stop schedule of providing needed items to those affected including 40,000 meals; and more than 26,200 snacks; and delivered about 1500 comfort kits. The Band Perry helped out with these efforts during this visit.
If you would like to get involved monetary donations can be made payable to Greene County Disaster Relief, mail to FWBFM 90 Stanley Lane, Greeneville TN 37743.